No plan with this book, it just 'evolves'. I don't think it will close when I get to the end....... is that a problem ? Maybe, but while the making is the fun and the creative part I am not worrying about the out come or end result, I'll just see what happens. Left over stuff...... tape, punched borders,ribbon, photos, patterned paper, transparencies, serviettes, hand-made flowers. Techniques...... colour wash, misting, stencilling, stamping, inking, modge-podge/tissue transfer. Thanks for coming by...have a good week. xx
The next challenge is up at Lets Get Shabby and it is all about WEDDINGS. Hop on over to the blog and see what the other DT girls have come up with and then play along. Click on images to enlarge. The photo is of my two daughters, taken a few years ago while attending a close friends' was in the days when confetti was still allowed to be thrown. ( now you can only throw rice or rose petals ). Any way they were fascinated by the tiny, round ,coloured bits of paper on the ground and started to collect them.
In honour of Australia Day, which is tomorrow, Wed. january 26, I am sharing with you one of our favourite ' icons'........the Tim Tam. It is a biscuit made by an Australian company called Arnott's . ( I think it is probably a multi-national company now but originated in Australia, and the biscuits are still made here ). Any way they are chocolate biscuits and they are delicious; especially dunked into coffee, hot chocolate or better still a coffee flavoured liqueur like Tia Maria or Baily's. A favourite way to have them is to bite off the top and the bottom, put the biscuit into your liqueur and use it as a straw to suck through. Yummo ! I,m having mine today with hot chocolate. Australia Day is celebrated with a public holiday, and being summer most people get outside with family and friends and cook a BBQ with sausages, lamb chops, salads, a couple of beers and a bottle of red wine. Enjoy Tea on Tuesday and visit Kimmies blog here to join in.
Two more double pages of my Altered much fun doing these. Part #2. A piece of left over punched border was the start of this page,then lots of flowers, a couple of transparencies,a little glass bird and a chipboard clock. Part #3. This page was started with only a photo of my daughter's eye ( leftover from another scrapbook page ). It was not until I had finished this page that I noticed a sentence half way down that read.....' looking at me with those greeny-blue eyes that you dive into'..... how random is that,any way I had to high light it. I used a paint wash, some old foam stamps, bits of pp, odd bits of ribbon, tags, rubons and went over the lot with a copper paint wash.
Remember this........ In early November of last year I talked about using 'left-overs' as in scraps of paper and bits and pieces left over from other projects. I started using these " odds and ends " in an old book, filling two pages at a time :---- no theme or plan, just playing with whatever I had at hand and letting it 'happen'. I have done several pages now and the front cover. I guess you would now call this project an Altered Book. The freedom of creating a page with no constraints or specified requirements is so enjoyable and therapeutic. Sometimes random words on the page might influence what I put on it, but usually I just experiment with techniques or try to create pleasing arrangements using random bits and pieces. Anyway continuing on with this theme of random creativity, Julie at Balzer Designs has started a Daily Art Journal post which I am going to attempt to take part in:---------- I don't know if I can do it for a whole year, but I am going to attempt 30 days and then see what happens.
My Altered Book now............ Inside cover and first page..... To be continued............
A couple of weeks before Christmas I had High Tea with some friends at a little shop called Tangerine Dreams. Sounds sort of Middle Eastern but far from it; it was very English with lovely old English furnishings and china. The shop also had for sale lots of vintage hats, jewellery, dolls, and books. If you would like to know more about Tea On Tuesday find out here. We had lots to eat, pate', tartlets, scones, little cakes,smoked salmon sandwiches and these classics.......cucumber ribbon sandwiches. Of course there was tea, several varieties, and coffee, all served from beautiful silver pots. Loved this beautiful old silver dispenser.........not so keen on the paper sugar sachets in it. I guess maybe originally it held sugar cubes or perhaps loose leaf tea. If anybody knows I would love to hear its original use.
This months challenge at Lets Get Shabby is ARCHITECTURE..........combine arches, columns, scallops etc. I have used a 'triptych' ( a set of three panels or compartments side by side, bearing pictures, carvings etc. ) to display my take on this theme. I love the pointed gables of the "roof" and the front door is actually my front door to my house. I have used lots of painted German Scrap and embossed laser cuts ( lamp, gates and fences ). The gates and lamp have been "rusted " using Tim Holtz walnut distress embossing powder. Websters Pages paper is so beautiful and lent itself perfectly for this challenge. The architectural photos on the back half were taken in North Terrace Adelaide at night. If you would like to take part in this challenge hop over to the Lets Get Shabby blog and join in. The other side.......
Three days into January already ! It's holidays and I have not done much of anything, except reading. I love books and this is my bed-side table at the moment. I hope you have all enjoyed Christmas and the holiday season, and that your plans for this new year are all on track.