Just wanted to share a couple of things with you before the week end. I am so excited to be attending Anna Dabrowska's classes in Darwin this Friday and Saturday. I have admired and been inspired by her work for ever, and to be able to do a couple of classes with her, is for me, just amazing ! I hope I wont be out of my depth...
The thing is tho, that I have to fly from Adelaide to Darwin, which is like the opposite end of this 'wide brown land', and I hate flying ! I do it only to visit my daughter in Melbourne and even then I usually return home by train. Anyway, a friend is coming with me, so I'm sure she will "jolly" me along. We leave at 8a.m. so it's even a little too early to soothe my nerves with some inflight alcohol.........do you think?? Mmm maybe not.

The other thing I'd like to mention is my other blog that I've just started.It's called "just random bliss". I guess you might wonder why I would want or need two blogs. Well, for me, I find that there are so many beautiful, simple moments, words and images around me that inspire and bring joy that I wanted a place, separate from my creative space, that I could record and remember them. Alright, if I am being completely honest it's also a 'little indulgent place' for me where I can play around with my camera and hopefully with time and practice, my photography skills will improve and I,ll have a record of this journey.
Each post has a single word title, add the word "bliss" to the end of it and that will give you the gist of the post.
If you want to visit, the button's on the side bar where it says "I'm also here".
Have a great week end every one and create something beautiful. xx