Monday, December 6, 2010

Some Seasonal Music

Firstly, some music for all of you experiencing the ice and snow of WINTER in the Northern Hemisphere. This clip is long ( 8 min. ) .... just watch the first 2 1/2 min....I promise you will be inspired by the colour, beauty and creativity, and ofcourse if you like Vivaldi, keep watching. And, secondly, SUMMER.... still Vivaldi, I hope he would approve.



  1. am so enjoying listening to this, how wonderful and it makes me forget I am freezing cold! I do envy you the heat at the moment. I am getting my aussie fix by watching masterchef - completely hooked so don't tell me who wins!

  2. these were both so very enjoyable each in their own special ways

    I enjoy the change of seasons very is quite chilly and windy here on the east coast of the US

  3. oh love the venetian costumes in the first piece, and love Vivaldi!!
    yes, that measurement is one cup for C! xx's


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