I have to admit that teaching how, what and why I create has never been something that I've been completely comfortable with.
Not because I'm not willing or happy to share, but more because the way I work is done very intuitively, rather than by a predictable step by step process.
I also love detail, lots of detail, and will spend a lot of time just on the detail and this is not always practical for a two or three hour class.
Having said that, once I have prepared a lesson and am in the classroom with a group of happy and eager participants just itching to get creative, their excitement is infectious and I can't wait to share my ideas, my processes and my creative philosophies (for what they're worth).
These two projects were created especially to be taught as a class, and I can't wait to share them later this month at Paper Flourish in Adelaide.
Collage A, B, C's
Collage Cubed
A multi-media Art Journal page with an emphasis on the process and learning to be intuitive and a 3 dimensional collaged block.
Each of these projects are close to my heart. They have collage as their foundation but many ideas, techniques, processes and different mediums are explored.
I'm stepping out of the comfort zone of my studio and into the classroom.