Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Journal Pages's been a while.
Thought it was about time to show you what I've been up to.
Apart from teaching some regular mixed media journal classes,
I've been working in my own journals.........
collaging and painting.
The most recent is a page created as part of the Finnabair Ambassador's Team to promote the month of April.........Stress Awareness Month. More heartfelt projects can be found on the Finnabair blog HERE.

And these are just some random journal pages..........

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  1. Oh Gayle,l love every piece you create.
    I may need to commission a work for my art collection

  2. WOW Gayle!!
    Absolutely stunning pages! I so love your use of bright colors and the way you work the faces, you truly have a way with these! Beautifully done! Glad to see back as well!
    Jackie xo

  3. Such beautiful artwork. I have been blog surfing and came across your wonderful blog. New follower! Hugs Zowie x


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